Using Edutainment in Digital Marketing: Entertaining Audiences while Educating

Edutainment, combining education and entertainment, is a powerful concept that businesses can leverage in their digital marketing strategy. By entertainingly providing valuable educational content, organizations can engage their audience and build a loyal following.

Here's how you can employ this concept in your social media content:

Identify Your Audience's Pain Points

To create educational content that resonates with your audience, you must first identify their pain points. What are their challenges and pain points, and how can you help them solve these problems through your products or services?

Create Educational Content

Once you've identified your audience's pain points, create educational content that addresses these challenges. This can include how-to guides, tutorials, infographics, and other educational content that provides value to your audience.

Make It Entertaining

To make your educational content more engaging, package it entertainingly. This can include using humor, storytelling, or gamification to make your content more interactive and memorable.

Promote Your Content

Once you've created your edutainment content, promoting it on your social media channels is important to reach a wider audience. Use social media ads, influencer marketing, and other tactics to get your content in front of the right people.

Here are some examples of well-known businesses that are using edutainment in their digital marketing strategy:


Hubspot, a marketing and sales software company, is known for its comprehensive educational content that covers everything from SEO to social media marketing. They package their educational content in a fun and engaging way, using animated videos, webinars, and quizzes to make it more entertaining.


Moz, a search engine optimization (SEO) software company, uses a mix of educational and entertaining content to engage its audience. They provide informative blog posts, webinars, and video tutorials, all while injecting humor and personality into their content.


Grammarly, a grammar and writing assistant tool, is another example of a company that uses edutainment in its marketing strategy. They create educational content around writing and grammar but make it more engaging using witty social media posts and videos.

By creating educational content that's packaged entertainingly, businesses can provide value to their audience while making their content more memorable and shareable. Follow these tips and take inspiration from the examples above to create edutainment content that will resonate with your audience and drive results.